Brendons offer a comprehensive commercial property service, acting for both Landlords and Tenants throughout the UK
Find out more information about our commercial surveys and commercial management, follow the links below

To expand the retail presence of your company or to acquire premises of any nature we can ensure your company meets its expansion targets by sourcing the best available units along with off market opportunities.
TescoActing for Tesco Express stores, Brendons acquired an ‘off market’ BMW Showroom along with outbuildings, land and several residential units. From finding the site, to negotiating terms and progressing to completion, Brendons facilitated the acquisition process in an area where there were no other suitable purchase or rental options for the client. As the unit offered excess space for another retailer to occupy, Brendons sourced and secured a complimentary national covenant to rent the unit. In addition, Brendons Residential assisted in selling the residential units, which were no longer required by the client.

Whether you have a shop, vacant office or an industrial unit available, Brendons are here to help.
We hold an extensive database of tenants and purchasers, who are actively looking for premises, as well as an in depth knowledge of the ongoing requirements of many major UK blue chip companies.
Should a major company be looking to expand in your area, Brendons will ensure that they are made aware of your unit and that the best possible tenant is introduced to you, our client.
Should you have an occupied building, we hold a database of investment clients who are always keen to add to their portfolios.
For larger sites, such as extensive property portfolios, we will deliver national advertising campaigns as and where appropriate. Sectors we cover include: Retail, Catering, Industrial, Office, Leisure, Development Sites.